North East Victoria Youth Services
Youth Justice Group Conferencing and Diversion
If you are required to present at Children’s Court you may be given the opportunity to participate in a Youth Justice Group Conference or Youth Diversion Conference. Participation in either of these programs is voluntary. The Conference is your chance to talk about what happened, consider the impact of the offending, and how to repair the harm caused. You will be asked to participate in some preparation sessions with the convenor, and asked to identify people who are important to you who can support you at the conference. The Salvation Army also run restorative conferences for youth in the community. If you have a relationship you would like to repair, please contact our convenors to discuss eligibility and possibilities.
Referrals for Group Conferencing and Diversion occur via the Court system
Youth Justice Community Support Service
Youth Justice Community Support Service (YJCSS) is an integrated approach to the provision of intensive support and services to Youth Justice clients to complement the statutory case management undertaken by Youth Justice units. The service has been developed recognising that Youth Justice clients present with a range of complex and varied needs that require an individualised service response.
Referrals into the Youth Justice Community Support Service occur via the Department of Justice and Regulation Victoria
Youth Homelessness and Housing Support
Case Management
Case Managers provide support to young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. This can include situations such as couch surfing, living in unsafe, unsustainable or temporary accommodation or experiencing family violence.
Young people are supported to actively work toward achieving their ideal housing goals. The program further supports young people in addressing issues that may have contributed to their situation, including family reconciliation, referral to specialist services and support to access external supports.
Area Covered: Shepparton and surrounds
Youth Accommodation
The Salvation Army Northeast Youth Services provides youth accommodation for young people aged 16-25
Located within Shepparton, the Youth Accommodation Program allows a young person to stabilise their situation and receive support to set goals for the immediate future. Qualified Youth Workers are on-site 24 hours and support young people within a therapeutic framework.
The Youth Accommodation Program is funded to provide up to eight weeks of accommodation, during which time young people are supported to work toward finding sustainable housing.
Where the young person doesn’t have professional supports or a Case Manager in place, they will be appointed a Case Manager to support them in achieving their housing and goals.
While residing in the accommodation young people are expected to engage with the community, including connecting with professional services, continuing education, job seeking etc.
- Professionals wanting to refer a young person into the program will be asked to complete the referral form.
- Where a referral has been accepted and the young person is anxious or unsure about staying at the accommodation. Young People and Professionals are welcome to contact the program and arrange to visit the site, view the facilities and meet some of the Staff.
- Young people can self-refer or request assistance by calling the number provided.
- Northeast Youth Services is committed to providing a safe, supportive environment for young people.
Northeast Youth Programs acknowledges funding and support from:
- Dept of Families, Fairness and Housing
- Dept of Justice and Regulation Victoria
- Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal
- Salvation Army Family Stores
- Our local communities