Homelessness Services
Address | Contact |
Alice Springs Men's Hostel1Shop 8-9, 74 Todd StreetALICE SPRINGS NT 0870 |
Ph (08) 8958 1400 www.salvationarmy.org.au/locations/northern-territory/ny10/alice-springs-men-s-hostel |
Brisbane City Homelessness Services97 School StreetSPRING HILL QLD 4000 |
Ph (07) 3832 1491 |
Bunbury Emergency Accommodation, Referral and Support ServicesPO Box 388BUNBURY WA 6231 PO Box 388
Ph (08) 9791 5200 |
Care Finder Program115 Main RoadNEW TOWN TAS 7008 |
Ph (03) 6278 3256 Fax (03) 6228 4661 |
Darwin Corps & Community CentreCnr Lee Point Road and Yanyula DriveANULA NT 0812 |
Ph (08) 8945 1947 Fax (08) 8927 6875 www.salvationarmy.org.au/darwin |
Flagstaff9 Roden StWEST MELBOURNE VIC 3003 |
Ph (03) 9329 4800 Fax (03) 9329 0966 |
Foley House78 Ryan StreetFOOTSCRAY VIC 3011 |
Ph (03) 9689 8843 |
Homelessness Services Portland33 Henty StreetPORTLAND VIC 3305 |
Ph (03) 5523 3749 |
Homelessness Services Warrnambool58-60 Mortlake RoadWARRNAMBOOL VIC 3280 |
Ph (03) 5561 8444 Fax (03) 5561 7196 |
Horsham Supported Accommodation Assistance Outreach ProgramCnr Kalkee Rd and Lynott StreetHORSHAM VIC 3400 |
Ph (03) 5382 1770 |
Inner City Men's Accommodation Service Sydney5-19 Mary StreetSURRY HILLS NSW 2010 c/- PO Box 583
Ph (02) 8218 1231 Ph (02) 8212 1065 Fax (02) 8218 1248 and (02) 9211 6837 |
Intake and Crisis ServicesLevel 1, 353 Whitehorse RoadNUNAWADING VIC 3131 |
Ph (03) 9890 7144 |
Kalgoorlie Emergency Accommodation, Referral and Support Service (Kalgoorlie EARSS)41 Federal RdKALGOORLIE WA 6430 |
Ph (08) 9091 1985 |
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Youth Crisis Accommodation Service10 Park stKALGOORLIE WA 6430 |
Ph (08) 9091 1016 |
Karinya Support Services6 Crompton StreetSOLDIERS HILL VIC 3350 |
Ph (03) 5329 1100 Fax (03) 5332 9910 www.salvationarmy.org.au/locations/victoria/karinya-support-services |
Karratha Youth Crisis Accommodation |
Ph (08) 9144 1881 |
Mount Isa Supported Accommodation Serenity House4 Helen streetMOUNT ISA QLD 4825 |
Ph (07) 4744 5308 www.salvationarmy.org.au/mountisa |
Murrumbidgee Accommodation & Housing (MAHS) – Griffith103a Binya StreetGRIFFITH NSW 2680 |
Mob 0419099197 |
Murrumbidgee Accommodation & Housing (MAHS) – LeetonLeetonNSW 2705 |
Mob 0419099197 |
Oakleigh Accommodation Services103 Wilson StBURNIE TAS 7325 |
Ph (03) 6430 4100 |
Port Augusta CorpsShop 1, 96 Carlton ParadePORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 |
Ph (08) 8641 1021 Fax (08) 8642 3457 www.salvationarmy.org.au/portaugusta |
Port Augusta Generic Homelessness Service (PAGHS)Shop 1, 96 Carlton ParadePORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 |
Ph (08) 8641 1021 www.salvationarmy.org.au/portaugusta/community-services/generic-homelessness-service |
Red Shield House 49 Darwin49 Mitchell StreetDARWIN NT 0800 |
Ph (08) 8943 1610 www.salvationarmy.org.au/locations/northern-territory/our-services/homelessness/red-shield-house-49 |
Salvation Army Homelessness Services – Rosebud17-19 Ninth AvenueROSEBUD VIC 3939 |
Ph (03) 5986 0000 Fax (03) 5983 7311 |
Salvation Army Housing SA109 Hampstead RdMANNINGHAM SA 5083 |
Ph (08) 8368 6800 Fax (08) 8266 7455 |
SalvoConnect Barwon South West Region35 Myers StreetGEELONG VIC 3220 |
Ph (03) 5223 5400 Fax (03) 5221 0873 www.salvoconnect.com.au |
SalvoConnect Hamilton246 Gray StreetHAMILTON VIC 3300 |
Ph (03) 5572 5822 Fax (03) 5572 4186 |
SASHS Men's Hostel5 Elmore StreetNORLANE VIC 3214 |
Ph (03) 5274 9550 Fax (03) 5274 9551 |
Shepparton CorpsCnr Nixon & Orr StsSHEPPARTON VIC 3630 |
Ph (03) 5821 2666 www.salvationarmy.org.au/shepparton |
Sunrise Centre - Homeless Men's Programme24 Beaton RoadBERRIMAH NT 0828 |
Ph (08) 8997 1000 Fax (08) 8997 1099 www.salvationarmy.org.au/Sunrise-Centre |
Support in Public Housing Program159 Melrose StreetNORTH MELBOURNE VIC 3051 |
Ph (03) 9328 5631 Fax (03) 9329 1769 |
The Beacon9 Aberdeen StreetNORTHBRIDGE WA 6003 |
opt 1 for Reception: Ph (08) 9492 7100 |
The Open Door166 Boundary RdNORTH MELBOURNE VIC 3051 |
Ph (03) 9313 2650 Ph (03) 9329 6988 Fax (03) 9329 7764 |
The Salvation Army Homelessness – East353 Whitehorse RoadNUNAWADING VIC 3131 |
Ph (03) 9890 7144 |
The Salvation Army Homelessness Services – Peninsula37 Ross Smith Avenue EastFRANKSTON VIC 3199 |
Ph (03) 9784 5000 Fax (03) 9783 8232 |
Towards Home - Resolve277 Pirie StreetADELAIDE SA 5000 |
Ph 1800 809 273 |
Towards Independence - Alice SpringsShop 8-9, 74 Todd StreetALICE SPRINGS NT 0870 |
Ph (08) 8958 1400 Mob 0419 804 117 www.salvationarmy.org.au/Towards-Independence-Alice-Springs |
Towards Independence - Top EndCnr Lee Point Road and Yanyula DriveANULA NT 0812 |
Ph (08) 8927 5189 Mob 0422590289 |
Western Metro Homelessness Service34 Devonshire RoadSUNSHINE VIC 3058 |
Ph (03) 9313 4700 |
Youth Supported AccommodationCnr Bridge & Maxwell RdsINGLE FARM SA 5098 |
Ph (08) 8397 9333 Fax (08) 8396 5170 |