Leave a gift in your Will

If you have made the important decision to leave a gift in your Will to The Salvation Army, please follow these simple steps:
- Use the sample bequest wording below to determine the specifications of your gift
- Attend a Salvation Army Wills Day or make an appointment with your solicitor to legalise your decision. If you are creating or updating your Will, we suggest you consult a legal adviser to ensure that your Will is valid and your wishes are expressed correctly
- Let us know if you have left us a gift in your Will - we’d love to thank you!
- Learn more about how your gift can change lives
Sample wording to leave a gift to The Salvation Army
If you are creating a Will or updating it, we suggest you consult a legal adviser to ensure that your Will is valid and your wishes are expressed correctly.
I [insert name here] bequeath to The Salvation Army [name of state or territory] Property Trust for its general purposes [or name a specific purpose*] [Choose the appropriate option from the list below]:
· the whole of my estate
· [insert number] percentage of my estate
· the residue of my estate
free from all duties, and the receipt of the Financial Secretary or other authorised officer of The Salvation Army at the time of my death, shall be full and sufficient discharge for my Executor(s).
Alternatively you can download suggested bequest wording here:
Please contact us on 1800 337 082 or email willsandbequests@salvationarmy.org.au if you have more specific requirements.
If you have already included The Salvation Army in your Will or intend to do, please let us know so we can show our appreciation to you. Any information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence.
How Solicitors can help The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army has mutually beneficial relationships with many solicitors around the country.
Honoured Friend Solicitors assist the community by donating time to help people prepare simple wills, with proceeds being donated to The Salvation Army.
In return, The Salvation Army is able to refer people requiring professional advice to our Honoured Friend Solicitors. Other opportunities including pro bono also exist.
Please visit this page if you would like to discuss partnering with The Salvation Army in more detail.