Adam spent two years on the streets…
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Please give to the 2023 Red Shield Appeal today, so nobody struggles alone.
The facts are hard to hear… every single day 275 Australians are pushed into homelessness for the very first time, desperately looking for a place to sleep.
If they’re lucky they might stay with a loved one or a friend. Yet too often, people find themselves trying to survive on the streets… just like Adam.
He left a small town in the far west of Australia and moved to the east coast, filled with hope, in search of a new start.
Instead, for two miserable years, it all went horribly wrong…
His backpack and ID were stolen. And with no proof of who he was, he couldn’t find a job, and soon had to leave his accommodation to the only place he could think of...
…the streets.
“I spent months walking all over the city looking for a place that was safe. It was especially hard to cope in winter. Piercing wind and rain. It was terrible.”
The moment Adam walked into a Salvos centre, funded by caring people like you, his whole life changed.
A steaming mug of tea, a hot meal. A shave, a shower, clean clothes. A safe place to stay.
“I’m so grateful. The Salvos took me in and helped me return to normal life. You can’t do that on your own. Without them, I’d still be out there.”
This is exactly what you can make possible for another person experiencing homelessness, with your Red Shield support today.