Help families like Jessica and Riley have a home and a bright new beginning
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Please support the Salvos Red Shield Appeal today and help give families a new beginning.
Tragically, our Salvos centres all over Australia are reporting a deeply worrying trend over the last few months…
…a sharp rise in families of all kinds affected by homelessness.
This is why your Red Shield Appeal support is so important.
The latest research also shows that single parents with children account for a staggering 35% of people seeking help for homelessness.
Single parents like Jessica.
Unexpectedly, she and her daughter Riley were kicked out of their home on Riley’s 7th birthday,
Jessica said…
“We were desperate. We had nowhere to go.”
“Everywhere I looked at was just too expensive. I couldn't even get a studio, because every time I tried to apply for one, every other man and his dog was there, and they got them before me.”
Thanks to the support of caring Salvos supporters like you, we were able to help Jessica and Riley. We found them immediate emergency accommodation, and a short while later a real home in Salvos Transitional Housing.
However, we are struggling every day to meet the needs of everyone who desperately requires hour help.