Help a family that’s homeless have a home… and a new beginning
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Please support the Salvos Red Shield Appeal today.
Hayley’s* family lived for six months in their car with their two young children, all while Hayley was pregnant.
Hayley and Cam had been renting their small two-bedroom unit for two years — together with their children, four-year-old Carter and baby Leo.
Then everything came crashing down.
First, their landlord raised their rent. An increase that came at a time when rising food, fuel and energy prices were already hurting them.
Then a few months later… another rent hike. Then another! Effectively doubling their rent in the space of a year.
Hayley said...
“Then they gave us notice to leave… And we found out we were expecting a new baby, so we were looking for something bigger, and we just couldn’t find it!”
“We packed our camping gear and clothes into the car and left. We drove around for six months, just trying to live, usually at campsites or beaches. And the whole time we were homeless, I was pregnant. It was very, very overwhelming.”
We’re hearing stories like Hayley’s all the time right now.
According to the latest estimates, 32,232 people are currently homeless in Australia because of the housing crisis.
But when Hayley and Cam came to the Salvos, it changed everything.
Hayley shared…
“The Salvation Army were amazing. They helped us in ways I can’t even explain. Financially, with food and petrol, with clothes, with our mental health, and with help finding a home. We got it just in time – three weeks before I gave birth!”
Your Red Shield support can help another family like Hayley’s have a home – and the new beginning they desperately need.
Please donate to the 2024 Red Shield Appeal today.
*To protect Hayley’s privacy, her name and some details of her story have been changed.