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Parramatters - 9th September 2022

9 September 2022

Parramatters - 9th September 2022
We hope you enjoy catching up on what's happening at Parramatta Salvos. 

If you would like to submit anything to be considered for inclusion in our weekly church life update, please email by 5pm Wednesday each week. 

Stay up to date on social media during the week:
Instagram: @parramattasalvos
Hi Parramatta Salvos, 

This Sunday we continue our series in the book of Proverbs, looking at what it means to 'Choose Friends Wisely'. 

We encourage you to catch up on any messages you have missed throughout the series on our Facebook Page or Youtube Channel. 

We can't wait to worship with you this Sunday!

Kylie & Sarah
(Corps Officer Team)
Jr Soldier Renewal
This Sunday during the 9:30am service, our Jr Soldiers will be renewing their promises. This segment will be replayed in the 11am service as well. A reminder that if your child is thinking of participating in Jr Soldier preparation classes this year, please contact Jeff or Sarah.
Ladies Fellowship
Ladies Fellowship meets each week at 10am for morning tea and 10:30am for fellowship. This week, we will enjoy a morning spent with Pamela Freeman.

On 28th September, Ladies Fellowship is hosting a concert as presented by the Baker Family. 
Morning Tea is at 10.00am, followed by the concert.
For this special occasion everyone is invited to join with us.
Donation – a gold coin.
Please rsvp to Pamela Freeman 0410 555 092 for catering purposes.
The next Flourish women's event is a movie afternoon on 17th September, 2.30pm. We will be watchingMr Churchand sharing in some great food.

Cost for the afternoon is $10, you can register online or by using the envelopes in the foyer.

For more information please contact Jayne at
Worship Night
The Youth and Young Adults will be joining together for worship THIS WEEKEND, Sunday 11th September, 5.30pm. Joel Campbell from Shire Salvos will be the guest speaker. Everyone is invited to come along, dinner will be provided following the service. For more information please contact Jayne at
All women are invited to attend the Divisional Women's Weekend coming up in October 14-16 at the Collaroy Centre. Thirteen women from Parramatta Salvos have already registered! We would love to have a big group at the camp, so make sure you get in and register this week as places are going very quickly! Already, after a week of registrations being open, ninety women have registered! 

Please note that you can pay via credit card, or opt to "pay via corps". If you elect to pay via corps, you must transfer the amount owed or pay cash to the corps office prior to attending the weekend. *If you have trouble registering online, please call the corps office or come and see us and we can help you.* We will be organising a fleet of vehicles, so don't let transport be a barrier to your attendance - please chat to Kylie or Sarah if you will be needing a lift to Collaroy.

If you are wondering about 'elective' choice on the Saturday afternoon and would like to know what others are doing - chat with your friends or join Kylie & Sarah at the "Laser Tag" option.

Accomodation options: Shared Cabin $155, Hotel Room (allocation exhausted), Day Rate: Saturday (does not include dinner) $37, Saturday dinner $16 

Click here for Corps Calendar 2022
Homework Club
We are excited that a new Homework Group will be commencing at Parramatta Salvos in Term 4 on Wednesday 12th October at 4.30pm. We are in need of volunteers to help in this space, both working with children and young people, as well as serving in the cafe that will be open to parents and caregivers. If you are interested in volunteering or for more information, please contact our Community Connection Worker, Thushy at
Update from Yiwei Mao
AS many of you are aware, Yiwei went on exchange to the USA this semester. We thought you might be interested in an update from Yiwei as he settles in!

"Arrived at Rochester and settled in now. Been here 3 weeks and God has been good! Got a travel scholarship so that's helping me with everything I need. Staying on campus is convenient and I have a kitchen to do all of my cooking - and there are buses from campus to Walmart which is where I do all my groceries. I joined a Christian group here called Cru and through that was able to find friends to carpool to a local bible-based church called Grace Road. It sure is strange when everyone around me is singing in an American accent! Interestingly, the church service also has someone translating to American Sign Language (ASL)! I later found out ASL is entirely different to Auslan which follows the British Sign Language. Most of Cru are first years so I ended up making friends with teenagers. Being driven to church by a 17 year old feels a little weird. 
My supervisor here is really nice and has lived in Sydney before! And was really excited when I brought along a pack of TimTams!!! More recently, I convinced some people to try Vegemite toast mwahahaha! I met up with some friends from Sydney Uni who are now doing their PhD in the US. All much smarter than me!!!

Thank you for your support and prayers! Your monetary gifts are going towards paying for the petrol to carpool to church, and allowing me to be generous in turn."
​Anti Poverty Week Hampers
On Monday 19th October, 10am-2pm, we are holding an Anti-Poverty week event here at Parramatta Salvos. We are collaborating with Moneycare and will be hosting many other community services. This is an information and resourcing event for community members on what services and support are available for them. 

As part of this even we want to give away some hampers as prizes to people who are attending. Over the next month or so if you are able to donate any non-perishable food items or new goods for these hampers, please bring them along and put them in the basket in the foyer. Suggested items are:
Tinned food, cereal, long life milk, spreads, cleaning products, socks, toiletries, children's books, stationery.

More details will be available in the coming weeks.
Major Kylie will be on furlough (holidays) from Thursday 8th September and will return to the office on Monday 19th September. 
​Orange Christian School Visit
From Roza, the NSW School Engagement Officer:
"A group of Year 9 students from Orange Christian School visited Parramatta Salvos last week, teachers. It was a great experience including a talk from David Collinson on who we are, what we do and who we serve and why, followed by a tour by Sarah of Parramatta Salvos. Then they were divided into groups, one group preparing spaghetti Bolognese and frittata for the Cafe, some preparing the labelling of the containers, some sorting toiletries and food items for the Connect Site and a whole heap of other activities. We finished the afternoon with stories of people who have been helped by the salvos, sharing about the stories behind the people who come in for toiletries, groceries and food that the students prepared.

The school has said that they will now include this in their trip to Sydney each year. They spend the rest of their time in Sydney visiting museums, art galleries etc, so its awesome that they are connecting with us as well, particularly because many other organisations offer similar experiences. The teacher asked them to remember what they learnt with their homeless tour with Orange Salvos and what differences they could see between the two. They noted that Parramatta has more people with different cultural backgrounds and that Parra Salvos therefore has more services to cater for this."
Territorial Officer Appointment Change 
This week changes for Officer personnel in 2023 was announced for the Australia territory. While there are no changes directly impacting Parramatta Corps, we ask that you pray for the Officers involved, their mission expressions and families in this transition. If you would like the read the changes, please click the link below. 
Click here to read appointment changes
Connect Site
12/09 - Will and Kerry 
14/09 - Help needed
16/09 - Barbara

Morning Tea
11/09/22 - Leanne & Janet

09/09/22 - 9:30am: Patricia  11am - Ray
Click Here to Watch Church Online