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Parramatters - 5th August 2022

5 August 2022

Parramatters - 5th August 2022
We hope you enjoy catching up on what's happening at Parramatta Salvos. 

If you would like to submit anything to be considered for inclusion in our weekly church life update, please email by 5pm Wednesday each week. 

Stay up to date on social media during the week:
Instagram: @parramattasalvos
Hi Parramatta Salvos, 

In 1987, new technologies were popping up all over the place, but computer manuals were dull and difficult to understand. A frustrated customer in a computer store, who knew nothing about computers, was looking for a simple, basic book about the difficult DOS operating system. "Something," they suggested, "like DOS for dummies."

This is where, the "…For Dummies" phenomenon began. Starting with the publication of DOS For Dummies in November 1991, For Dummies products have shown millions how to make the most of their PCs, get on the Internet, and explore the world of Windows. Surely you have seen one of these books on the shelf at your local bookstore! Now, with more than 150 million books in print, For Dummies products show you how to do everything - cook, garden, manage finances, run a business, plan a trip, exercise, and eat right. The For Dummies books are designed to take complex concepts and make them easy-to-understand.

The same might be said of the book of Proverbs - it takes the ageless, priceless wisdom of God and makes it understandable and accessible to regular people like you and me. Proverbs reveals truths for everyday life, giving us practical wisdom to live Godly lives. Join us over the next 10 weeks as we explore the wisdom Proverbs has to offer.

Kylie & Sarah
(Corps Officer Team)
Ladies Fellowship
Ladies Fellowship meets each week at 10am for morning tea and 10:30am for fellowship, and all are welcome to attend! On Wednesday 10 August, we will have a special 'All in Together' fellowship morning. 
Community Night - Trivia
Save the date for our next Community Night! We will be having a trivia night at Parramatta Salvos on Saturday 20 August from 7pm-9pm and everyone is invited to join us! Team sign up sheets will be in the foyer for the next couple of weeks. Please join a team and invite your friends! 
Youth Life Groups
Life Groups for Youth will be resuming this Sunday 7 August following the 9:30am service. All young people are welcome to attend. For more information please contact Jayne at
Lt. Sarah will be on Furlough (annual leave) beginning next week. Sarah will be back in the office on Tuesday 23 August. 
Sanctuary Course
This term, we are excited about piloting a new course at Parramatta Salvos.

The 'Sanctuary Course' was created to equip churches as they seek to become sanctuaries where individuals with mental health challenges feel safe, supported, and a sense of belonging. Each session explores key mental health topics, drawing upon the insights of mental health professionals, church leaders, and people with lived experience. Developed in consultation with mental health professionals, theologians, and people with lived experience, this eight-session study guide explores key mental health topics and examines meaningful ways to offer companionship, support recovery, and promote wellbeing.

Who is it for? 
The Sanctuary Course is a study guide for small groups, designed to raise awareness and start conversations in local churches regarding mental health. This may include:
- People with questions about mental health
- Mental health professionals with a wealth of knowledge to share
- Leaders who want to engage their community in mental health conversations
- People supporting loved ones with mental health problems
- People living with mental health problems

The Sanctuary Course is for anyone who wants to learn about faith and mental health. It requires no previous training or expertise—just a willingness to engage in dialogue with other believers. It is not recommended for people ages 17 and younger.

This course will run on Thursday evenings at Parramatta Salvos from 7pm-8:30pm and is free for participants. There is also an invitation to join for dinner for a gold coin donation from 6pm-7pm. Course dates are: 25 August, 1 September, 8 September, 15 September, 22 September, 13 October, 20 October, 27 October. 

Please register below and feel free to invite friends and family to participate! For more information contact Jonathan Browning.
Click here for Corps Calendar 2022
Community Connection Worker
We are excited to announce that this week, our new Community Connection Worker started at Parramatta Salvos! Here's a little bit about Thushy:

I am Thushy KAILANATHAN, your new Community Connection Worker at Parramatta. I am writing to formally introduce myself and to share a little bit about the work I’ll be doing here with you.

As the Community Connection Worker, I will be responsible of developing and providing equitable and efficient community activities and programs partnering with local networks and external agencies.

I have 17+ years of working experience with CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) backgrounds overseas and in Australia. I have worked with Asylum Seekers and Refugees as a Community Engagement coordinator at Marist 180 and as a Case Coordinator / Employment Mentor at Life Without Barriers.

I am very excited to bring my prior knowledge and skills to The Salvation Army to build a strong network and engagement process.

Thushy's role is full time at Parramatta Salvos. Please feel free to pop into the office and meet Thushy when you visit the building during the week!
Emma & James
We are so excited for James Eden and Emma Garrad who are to be married at Parramatta Salvos this Saturday! We are so happy for you both, and will be praying for you as you begin this new adventure together. 

James & Emma would like to extend an invitation to our church community to join for the ceremony in our worship hall on Saturday 6 August at 1:30pm.
ALPHA Course 
We are currently seeking expressions of interest from people who may be willing to lead/facilitate the ALPHA course at Parramatta Salvos. You can learn more about ALPHA by clicking this link: 
Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God. This course would kick off early 2023, with training for leaders/facilitators to come later this year. 
If you are interested, please email Sarah at:
Planned Giving
For those who take part in our Planned Giving Program at Parramatta Corps, please look out for your letter which will be available in the foyer after church for the next couple of week. If you would like any information on how to tithe or be part of the program, please contact Margaret Robinson.

We have also had multiple recurring donations (via online giving) that we are having trouble identifying. If you are giving online, and are yet to receive a planned giving number, please see Margaret. 
Envoy George Hazell - Thanksgiving Service
As you are aware, Envoy George Hazell was Promoted to Glory on Friday 29th July. 

A Thanksgiving Service to celebrate George's life will be held at The Salvation Army Parramatta on Tuesday 9th August 2.30pm. 

The service will be conducted by Mj. Kylie and will be followed by afternoon tea. If you can assist by providing some afternoon tea or helping in the kitchen, please contact Kylie.

Bands people are welcome to play with the band for the service. For more information, please contact Mj. David Collinson. 

The service will be live streamed and can be accessed via:

Thank you for your prayers and love for the family at this time.
Prayer and Blood Donations 
Our friend Veronica Eldridge (who is a regular at ladies fellowship) has a very sick grandson in Westmead Children’s Hospital who needs blood 2-3 times a week.  There are many other children and adults like him who desperately need blood. Westmead Children’s Hospital and Adult Hospital are running short on supplies of blood.  We would love prayer for Veronica's grandchild, but also want to encourage you to consider getting involved practically. 

Our officer team regularly donate blood and plasma, and you can also join up to The Salvation Army Australia Donation Team. If you are over 18, and are in a position to give,  please donate. There is a terrible shortage at the moment because people have flu, covid etc, so contact your local LifeBlood Centre. 
John Godkin
Please pray for John Godkin who is currently unwell and spending time in Westmead Hospital. 
Connect Site
8/08/22 - Keith Humbley
10/08/22 - Montana Sandercock-Brown
12/08/22 - Margaret Poore

Car Park
12/08/22 - Eels vs. Rabbitohs - 6:15-7:55pm - John Acocks & Loretta Carger

Coffee (Cafe)
07/08/22 - Caitlin Young & Maryanne Cleary
14/08/22 - John & Kerrie Acocks

Morning Tea
07/08/22 - Kerryn Wills & Loretta Carger
14/08/222 - Johnny, Bing Bing & Heather Waterson

07/08/22 - 9:30am Montana Sandercock Brown 11am Ray Haule
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