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Parramatters - 25th February 2022

25 February 2022

Parramatters - 25th February 2022
We hope you enjoy catching up on what's happening at Parramatta Salvos. 

If you would like to submit anything to be considered for inclusion in our weekly church life update, please email by 5pm Wednesday each week. 

Stay up to date on social media during the week:
Instagram: @parramattasalvos
Hi Parramatta Salvos, 

Like many young Christians, I was taught from an early age what it looks like to give back a tenth of my income to God. When my parents first started giving me pocket money - a whopping $5 a week - 50 cents went into the offering. Even when I got a pocket money-rise, my tithe only came to $1. When I started working part time and earned roughly $50 for my weekly shift in retail, $5 seemed fair - easy to let go of when I had 45 other dollars for me. But then I started earning more - when 10% becomes $100. Yikes. That hurts! 
It’s odd how when we have more, we can sometimes be less inclined to give more. Sometimes as God’s provision opens up, we exercise our generosity less. We can lose sight of the fact that all we have is not our own. Everything we have comes from God, and we are called to honour God with all we have. When we take on this attitude, generosity makes sense. Because wherever we may be on our financial journey, it’s possible to honour God with our money. It’s not about the amount, it’s about our attitude. Giving is a heart issue, not a money issue. 
In The Salvation Army, we actively engage in a ‘Planned Giving Program’ where we prayerfully consider the amount that we will give to God - generously, sacrificially, and regularly. Not because we have to, but because we get to. Just as Paul encourages the Corinthians to “excel in the grace of giving”, we want to encourage you to cultivate generosity in your own heart, in our church and in our world. 
We hope you’ll join us over the next few weeks as we learn what the bible says about finances, and that you’ll prayerfully consider your commitment to giving and to cultivating the generous life. 

This Sunday, from the church foyer, we ask that you collect your planned giving letter and pledge renewal card. Uncollected envelopes will be posted on Monday. 

We look forward to taking this journey of renewal with you! 

Kylie & Sarah
(Corps Officer Team)
NCLS 2021/2022
National Church Life Survey (NCLS) Research is a world leader in research focused on connecting churches and their communities. Decades of rigorous and thoughtful research has examined wellbeing, spirituality and church health. This current survey will provide us with a unique snapshot of the effects of COVID on church life and we would love for you each to participate.

You can do this in two ways, either by clicking the link below then completing the Attender Survey using the code SA121500

Alternatively, you can complete a paper copy of the survey on Sunday 27 February. Survey forms and pens will be available in the café.

More information can be found at or feel free to talk to Kylie or Sarah.

Thank you for your willingness to be part of this important research!
Youth & YA Worship Night
Our first Youth & YA Worship night is coming up this Sunday 27 February at 5:30pm. We will be joined by special guest Mj. Bill Geracia from Norwest Salvos. All are welcome to attend and support our youth & young adults! Free pizza and soft drinks will be provided after the service!
SAES Trainiing
There is training available for people interested in joining the Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) volunteer team or for current members wanting to refresh or renew their volunteer accreditation. This will take place on Saturday 12 March 9:30am-3:30pm at Rouse Hill Corps. Click here to for more information and to register.
Worship Arts Training Day
This is an invitation to all Vocalists and Worship Leaders to join us for a fantastic day of training and refreshing on 5th March!
This day is for all new vocalists as well as experienced ones. Come and hear some great teaching on worship and get practical tips to help you in your local church.
In Person here at Parramatta Salvos or live streamed
$25 for In Person attendees (Morning Tea and Lunch are included)
Registrations close 1st March
Click here for Corps Calendar 2022
Last Saturday evening, almost 70 women gathered for food and fellowship at Parramatta Salvos. We heard a great message from our guest, Capt. Nicola Poore, reminding us how we can live life to the full - a life of flourishing! We hope that you will 'save the date' for our next event - High Tea on Saturday 25 June. 
Self Denial Appeal 2022
The Self Denial Appeal started in 1886 when General William Booth called Salvationists to give sacrificially and to deny themselves so that they could offer God’s love to a hurting world.

The Salvation Army is now active in more than 130 countries, and the Self Denial Appeal still operates in every territory. Whether living in wealth or poverty, Salvationists from all walks of life generously support the Army’s mission to share the Gospel and improve the lives of millions of people through the love of Jesus.

The theme for the Self Denial Appeal 2022 is ‘The Ripple Effect’. It reminds us that small actions taken in Christ’s name can become big, life-transforming outcomes for the Kingdom of God. Over the coming weeks, we will see how God uses Salvation Army corps and programs to have a ripple effect through communities for his glory.

We encourage you to join with Salvationists across the country in read through the devotional below that will help prepare our hearts and minds for giving. 
Click here for SDA Devotional
Morning Tea
Hello All, 
Here are some more details about how I see this working on Sundays.   
Firstly tea, coffee, and generally just biscuits will be available between 10:15 and 11:15am each Sunday, to the left of the exit doors of the worship centre.  The blue trolley cart will generally be set up and in the kitchen for use each week.
One volunteer who is attending the 9:30am meeting is to put the trolley in place, after topping up the urn and refilling the teabags, cups, sugar and spoons etc and plug in the urn and turn the dial up to get the urn to boil between 9:20-9:30am.
Then at approx. 10:10am pop out of the meeting to turn the boiling urn down to minimum, bring some milk jugs and biscuit packs out from the kitchen and pop it on the ledge with some serviettes and there are poppers for the kids to put on a lower shelf of the trolley as well. Then you could pop back in as the service finishes.
Now the same person could pack up the trolley if staying for coffee etc yourself at 11:10am - OR— a volunteer attending the 11:00am service could pack away the trolley and biscuits, wash the milk jugs and any metal spoons if used and wipe down the trolley and then proceed into the meeting. 
So consider what part you would like to play in this service and even if you would like to pop a pack of biscuits in the pantry, please let me know your thoughts.
Kind regards to you all,  Loretta 
Christmas Giving - National Figures
Thanks to your generosity, TSA Australia were able to reach our goal of $80,000, which will go towards providing better toilet facilities at three Health Centres Malawi. The generosity of our Salvationists and friends has once again provided the means to transform lives and livelihoods in rural Malawi for the thousands of visitors a month that visit our Health Centers.

These funds will be used to completely rebuild four toilet blocks as part of The Salvation Army’s WASH Project, in Karonga District, Malawi.
Band at Constitution Hill
This Sunday 27 February, our brass band will be leading the monthly Christian gathering at Constitution Hill retirement village. Please pray for the band as they minister to the community there!
Joan Pack
Sympathy is expressed to Joan Pack following the Promotion to Glory of both her brother and her sister this week. Mrs Gwen Hosking passed away on 22 February aged 92 and Mr Clive Pack passed away 23 February aged 85. Funeral arrangements for Gwen are Monday 7 March at South Chapel Woronora Crematorium. Please keep Joan and her family in your thoughts and prayers at this incredibly difficult time.
Connect Site
28/02/22 - Keith Humbley
02/03/22 - Jan Roberts
04/03/22 - Lois/Bruce Bowie

Car Park
27/02/22 - WSW v Wellington Pheonix - 5:45pm-6:45pm - Richard Eden
05/03/22 - WSW v Sydney FC - 6:15pm-7:45pm - Martin Bust

Coffee (Cafe)
27/02/22 - John & Kerrie Acocks

Morning Tea
27/02/22 - Loretta Carger

27/02/22 - 9:30am: Val Gokin & Mary-Anne Cleary
27/02/22 - 11am: Len Whittaker
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