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Parramatters - 26th March 2021

26 March 2021

Parramatters - 26th March 2021
We hope you enjoy catching up on what's happening at Parramatta Salvos. 

If you would like to submit anything to be considered for inclusion in our weekly church life update, please email by 5pm Wednesday each week. 
Easter At Parramatta Salvos
We are excited about celebrating Easter with everyone at Parramatta Salvos! Join us for our 9:30am or 11am services as we begin our new series 'JESUS'. 

28 March | Palm Sunday | Jesus Saves
02 April | Good Friday | Jesus Died
04 April | Easter Sunday | Jesus Rose 
11 April | Jesus Reigns

Please take some of our invitation postcards from the foyer to give to your friends, family, colleagues or neighbours this week. 

On Good Friday we will be sharing a 'Hot Cross Bun' morning tea together between our two services. If you attend the 9:30am service, please plan to stay after church for coffee and a hot cross bun. If you attend the 11am service, please arrive any time from 10:30am to share in our special morning tea. 
Save the Date - Movie Night!
On Saturday 15 May at 6:30pm we will be holding a movie night at Parramatta Salvos to raise money for this year's Red Shield Appeal. This will be a night for all ages, so please save the date and plan to be there. Tickets will be a donation of $5 per person or $20 for a family of 4 or more. We invite you to bring a camping chair or a picnic blanket to sit on. Snacks, drinks and coffee will available to purchase on the night. Movie to be revealed soon! 
Car Parking for Sunday Services
We would like to encourage any able-bodied congregation members who attend the 9:30am service to park on the streets surrounding Parramatta Salvos. This will be especially helpful over the Easter weekend as we expect guests to attend. We want to eliminate as much congestion as possible in our car park between services, so if you are able to park and walk a little way, please do so. 
Self Denial Appeal - Still Time to Give!
Each Sunday over the last few weeks we have seen stories from around the world highlighting the international work of The Salvation Army. These stories have been both inspirational and challenging as we have seen people’s lives being transformed in many different ways.

Last Sunday, 21 March, we are held our Altar Service for the Self Denial Appeal. If you were away or forgot last week, there will be time in our services this week to bring your offering for the appeal, helping us work towards our goal of $35 000 from Parramatta Salvos.

If you cannot attend in person, you can donate online at
Please ensure that you select "Parramatta" from the "Corps/Centre drop down menu in the "Your Details" section. If you have already given online, or plan to give online, we ask that you contact Marg Robinson with your donation amount to assist us in our reporting. 

A huge THANK YOU to the many people who gave generously to the appeal last weekend. We are already well on the way to reaching our goal! Currently, we have contributed $32,585 to the appeal. We are excited to give you an updated tally next week after remaining contributions are given this week. 
Thank you!
Message from Doreen Salt:
"Thank you to my lovely church family for making my 90th birthday so happy and memorable. The beautiful flowers, the many cards, texts and phone calls were wonderful to receive. God bless you all. Christian love, from Doreen Salt."
James and Jodi Young
Announcement from James and Jodi:
"It’s with mixed emotions that James & I announce that we will be leaving Sydney at the end of April to move to Broken Hill. Whilst we are sad that we will be leaving family and friends behind, we are excited for the plan God has got for both of us in this next season of life. We will be officially moving the last weekend of April & would love to catch up with people before we head off."

We are both sad and excited for James and Jodi as they begin this new adventure together! Please pray for James and Jodi as they prepare to move in the coming weeks. 
Denise Thomas
Denise Thomas’s sister passed away last week. The funeral will be held in Bathurst next Tuesday and Major Colin Young will leading the service. Let us continue to support Denise and the family with our prayers.
Band at Constitution Hill
Please pray for Major Kylie, our Brass Band and our Timbrels as they support the monthly afternoon Christian gathering at Constitution Hill Retirement Community this Sunday 28 March. 
International Day of Prayer for Children and Youth
This Sunday we are celebrating The Salvation Army’s International Day of Prayer for Children and Youth!

The theme for 2021 is 'Seen and Heard'. The Bible shows us many stories about children playing an important role in Gods story. We believe children are the leaders, disciples and decision makers of today. We believe children have unique skills and expertise that our church and the world need now. We believe children hear from and are used by God every day. We believe that children are full, active members of the Body of Christ, and they are no less important or vital than any other part. We believe all children and young people should be SEEN and HEARD.

This week, we invite you to intentionally pray for our amazing Children and Youth at Parramatta Salvos.

Coffee Team
Sunday 28/03: Maryanne Cleary, Caitlin Young, Len Whittaker

Welcome/Check In Team
Sunday 28/03 9am: Vince & Lorrain Bignell
Sunday 28/03 11am: Patricia Yeboah & Ray Haule

Salvos Connect 
Monday 22/03: Keith Humbley
Wednesday 31/03: --- Help needed
Friday 02/04: Closed - Good Friday