Summer Newsletter 2022
28 November 2022

What a joy it is to be able to share the stories of the lives who have been impacted through SAID’s community projects and initiatives in vulnerable communities overseas.
This newsletter focuses on three areas – Livelihoods, Child Rights and Health. You will be encouraged and inspired as you read the transformative stories of men, women and children who are now living with hope for the future.
The KiWash project in Malawi is training farmers in sustainable, conservation agricultural methods. This project has also impacted 2,325 people in 465 households giving them access to safe drinking water close to their homes.
The Kwetu project in Tanzania is aimed at ending human trafficking, and a new project in Uganda is training women, girls, men and boys with skills that are empowering adolescent girls and keeping them in school for as long as possible.
All of this is only possible through the kindness and generosity of our donors, which supports the hard work and diligence of our teams in Australia and overseas.