Spring Newsletter 2023
15 September 2023

What a joy it is to be able to share the stories of the lives who have been impacted through SAID’s community projects and initiatives in vulnerable communities overseas.
"Thank you for your resilience and commitment to achieving long-term change for people in need around the world. Day by day, person by person, community by community — together we are improving the lives of vulnerable people and giving them hope for the future. Because of your support, we are seeing communities becoming healthy and safe. Individuals are discovering sustainable livelihoods and children are becoming less vulnerable to exploitation. People have improved access to food, clean water and hygiene facilities, and received education around safety and rights. Importantly, our mission support projects are also nurturing communities spiritually through local corps and officers. I am grateful to all of our partners for your ongoing commitment to working with SAID. Enjoy this snapshot of what we have achieved together!"
- Major Judith Soeters
Head of Salvation Army International Development