Spring Newsletter 2018
15 October 2018

Water - The Source of Health and Hope
In 1998, a possible contamination of Sydney’s drinking water caused widespread alarm and three million people were advised to boil their drinking water. Yet 2.1 billion people (or three in every 10 people), live with unsafe water every day. Six in 10, or 4.5 billion, lack safely managed sanitation.
Clean water is the foundation of good health. Without good health, productive lives become difficult to achieve.
The Salvation Army’s WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) programs, funded by our water and health sponsors and our priority sponsors, and run in conjunction with local partners, are successfully helping communities across Kenya, Malawi and South Africa improve their health and start planning for better futures.
Waterborne Illnesses Derail Education
At Mikoikoni Deb Primary School, head teacher David Mwangi says, “Having water for cooking, let alone drinking, was a big challenge. We used to borrow 20-litre jerry cans from our neighbour. The water that pupils drew from the water source outside the school was yellowish in colour and waterborne diseases were a common thing. But now we rarely hear of such challenges because we have enough water for cooking, drinking and cleaning latrines, classrooms, offices and watering of seedlings.”
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