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The keys to home

There's more than one key to finding a safe, secure home for someone experiencing homelessness

Homelessness can affect people of all ages and from all walks of life. There is no ‘one type of homeless person’, and people can find themselves at risk of or experiencing homelessness for many reasons. It’s not their fault.

Soaring rent prices and increases in the cost of living, unexpected unemployment, injury or illness, family crises such as domestic and family violence, sudden eviction notices, natural disasters and long waiting lists for affordable housing are just some of the reasons why homelessness can occur.

Thankfully, there are also many key ways we can help prevent, reduce and end homelessness. In the video below, we challenge your perceptions of homelessness and call you to join us in helping provide the keys to a safe, secure home.

You can be part of providing the keys to home for every Australian.

Start by taking our quick quiz to learn more about homelessness.
Try the quiz
