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Men's services

Domestic Violence Men's Helpline

Abuse and violence towards an intimate partner or family member is an ongoing crisis in Australia, with women experiencing violence at the hands of an intimate partner at a much higher rate than men. 

However, men can often experience violence at the hands of an intimate partner or family member too. If you are experiencing violence, there is help available to you. 1800RESPECT can refer you to services that can help.

Family and domestic violence is a complex and wide-ranging issue, but at its root it is strongly linked to out-dated views on gender roles, male entitlement and ideas about masculinity that support violence over compassion.  

Don’t let the violence take control. Take control of the violence.

Violence is never the answer and it is never an excuse. If you are worried about how your behaviour is affecting your partner, ex-partner, children or family members – take action to address this behaviour now.

There are a range of services available for men who use violence, so that they can begin to address their behaviours. The types of programs available include:

  • Men’s behaviour change programs
  • Confidential counselling
  • Parenting support programs
  • Individual work
  • Case management

The Salvation Army, along with other family violence service providers, deliver many of these programs right around the country.

Men can access the programs either by being directed to attend one by a legal authority or by a referral through a family violence service. Men can also self-refer by contacting the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491.

To learn more about how these programs work and how you or someone you know can start making positive changes to build healthy relationships, visit No To Violence.
