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Lindsay Stow (Operations Secretary)

Name: Lindsay Stow
Family: Karyn (wife), Joshua, Ashlee and Keenan (children)
Employment: Manager, Homelessness - Wimmera South West
Interests: Music (playing and writing), reading, Parkrun
Corps: Warrnambool (VIC)
Commenced with MSS: June 2018 
Corps Activities: Bandmaster, songster, worship band (drummer), Corps Leadership Team, Just Brass 
Favourite Food: Lemon Meringue Pie 
Favourite Composer(s): No one favourite, but I am a big fan of Bill Himes’ music. 
Favourite Vocal Piece: It Is Well With My Soul (Graeme Press)
Favourite Scripture Verse: Isaiah 40:31 - But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. 
Highlights of MSS: How welcome we were made to feel at our first rehearsal. Looking forward to many memorable moments with MSS in the future. 
As a Christian being in the MSS means? A wonderful privilege to be able to use something that I love doing, and which brings such personal blessing, to bring the message and love and blessing of Christ to others. 
