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Dale Brimblecombe

Name: Dale Brimblecombe

Sarina (wife), Kathryn (and Daniel), Felicity (and Kevin) and Nicole. Grandchildren Rubi and Erika

Employment: Public Servant – Commonwealth Government
Interests: Wholesale Motor Vehicle Auctions and Geelong Football Club (AFL)
Corps: Moreland City (VIC)
Commenced with MSS: 2014 
Corps Activities Worship Ensemble/Band, Moreland Corps Brass Band and Connect (Tuesday online group)
Favourite Food: Far too many to mention in such a small space
Favourite Composer: There have been too many past and present with God given talent to write great music to pinpoint one as my favourite
Favourite Vocal Piece: Here am I (Crumbacher)
Favourite Scripture Verse: Psalm 13.  The chapters leading up expose David as just as human as we are.  Insecure, and at times questioning.   Then in Psalm 13:5 David declares that despite everything that is happening around him, he will still Trust and Celebrate the life God has given
Highlights of MSS: The power of some of the words of songs where it can stop me in my tracks just to absorb it in
As a Christian being in the MSS means? I am often interested how on 89.9 Light FM radio people give testimony how the right song has played at a time they needed to hear God’s Word the most. The MSS has an opportunity to reach others in much the same way.  I hope that others too get something out of the words of the songs MSS sing as I am able to indulge in the pleasure of music
