About us

The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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救世军是一群有着相同信仰,创新思维,有生命力并充满爱的人所共同建立的教会,并透过每星期日的主日崇拜 (礼拜日上午十時) 以及平时祷告的生活,圣经教导和生命教育,从而与神与人建立密切的关系。. We are a people of faith committed to loving God and others in creative and tangible ways. We achieve this through meeting together each week (Sunday, 10am), remaining in contact with each other through the week, private prayer and study, and community involvement.

我们在庆祝主日的早晨里有最美的敬拜赞美,最具启发性的资讯分享和最耐人寻味的圣经讯息。而我们也将为儿童们 提供优质的生命教育课程,让孩子们在快乐的互动中学习成长。最后我们也将会在家庭式的茶点聚会中与旧雨新知一同分享生活点滴。在最安祥舒适的环境中彼此互相学习成长,若是您愿意接受会友们的祝福祷告,我们也将为您诚心的祈求代祷。
When you come to our Sunday morning celebration you will hear great music, see interesting media, hear a short message, your children will be invited to join in fun activities with other children, and you will meet friendly people over refreshments.

There is no requirement to wear anything different than when you visit a friend’s house. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions or perhaps be prayed for, if you desire. You will not be singled out but you will be warmly welcomed.

國際使命宣言: International Mission:

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

使命宣言: Mission Statement:

救世軍致力於分享耶穌的愛的基督徒運動。The Salvation Army is a Christian movement dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus.

我們透過以下方式分享耶穌的愛: We share the love of Jesus by:

關懷社群 Caring for People:
  • 在人最需要關心時提出援助 Being there when people need us most
  • 我們提供關懷和同情,作為具有潛力的變革 We offer care and compassion as a sacred encounter with transformative potential
開創信仰途徑 Creating faith pathways:
  • 從神聖的角度去看重人的價值 Taking a holistic approach to the human condition that values spirituality
  • 我們慷慨地分享耶穌的好消息,共同成長 We graciously share the Good News of Jesus and grow in faith together
建立健康社區 Building healthy communities:
  • 改善人與人之間的關係 Investing ourselves in relationships that promote mutual flourishing
  • 在這社區裡尋找上帝給我們的旨意 We find the wholeness God intends for us in community
為公義而努力 Working for justice:
  • 處理危害和剝奪人尊嚴的社會制度 Tackling the social systems that harm creation and strip away human dignity
  • 我們加入上帝的工作,建立一個更公平的世界,共同成長 We join God’s work to build a fairer world where all can thrive
提供扶助弱群适切的服务, 实际帮助华人解决个人及家庭困难, 维护他们合理的公民权益, 使其得到公平对待, 协助消除语言上的障碍, 得以溶入主流社会. 借着对人的服事, 彰显神的大爱, 建立宣教的桥梁。We provide services and programmes that will meet the advocacy, practical, social and language needs of individuals and families, particularly the disadvantaged groups and the new migrants, so that they are treated fairly in the Australian community and be able to live confidently in the mainstream society. Through the community services, we live out the love of God to the people and build a bridge for evangelism.