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Hope Communities' Explained

What are Hope Communities?

Salvos Hope Communities (HC) – South Brisbane, will be 20-40 people as ‘extended families on mission’ doing life together with Jesus.

Hope Communities are communities of people who have a common purpose or vision.

Hope Communities are communities engaged in mission – they are ‘missional communities’.

Hope Communities are learning to live out the lifestyle of Jesus – a 3 dimensional lifestyle of UP – IN – OUT.

Hope Communities look OUT as they engage in mission and serve others.

Hope Communities look IN as they share life together in small groups (each Hope Community has 2 or more small groups; a small group of disciples supporting each other through prayer, Bible, fun and friendship).

Hope Communities look UP as they come together as 'the gathering' at our monthly Sunday gatherings for worship, testimony and teaching.

Hope Communities vary in vision, activities and meeting patterns.

Hope Communities are at the heart of South Brisbane Salvos.

For examples of Missional Communities go to:

Frontline Church UK

Plentylife Anglican Church - Melbourne

St Thomas' Church Philadelphia

St Thomas' Church Crookes - pdf