Bible Studies & Devotionals

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GENEROUS LIFE RESOURCES -  available from your Generous Life Coach

There are some excellent resources available.  Please contact your Generous Life Coach for more information on these and how to obtain copies.

Building a foundation of generosity is much easier when our corps people are involved in learning about generosity, giving, stewardship & financial sustainability and how to create that generous culture within their lives.

Introduce these topics into your Bible Studies, Home Church and personal devotions.  There are some great resources available - books and online - to assist with this.


This utilises two videos on this web site under videos.  Firstly the song "Do Something" by Matthew West.  It's a great song which challenges us to look at who is responsible for what is happening in the world. So many blame God and demand "Why haven't you done something!"  To which God responds that He has done something, "He created you!"  What a challange.  It's time for us to do something and stop complaining.

The other video we refer to is "Generosity in Uganda" which is a challenging story of what a group of refugees were able to do when they acknowledged God as their Provider and when they use their God given gifts and resources to make the necessary change.  These are people who had nothing.  War had destroyed their homes completely.  At first they wanted to ask the West for help but they were reminded that God had provided all they needed.  This is an amazing story and so well worth watching more than once.

Here are some thoughts referring to some Scripture which may help generate some discussion for a Life Group or even just your friends or yourself.



From Dr Brian Kluth:

Brian Kluth was involved in the former Australia Eastern Territory in bringing the message of generosity into our thinking and teaching as a foundation to creating generosity in our hearts and lives.

Kluth, B. (2010) “Experience God as Your Provider” Moody Publishers

Available from Mission Team:

  • 40 Day Spiritual Journey to Generosity
  • Open Handed Living in a Tight Fisted World

These are ideal for a 4 or 6 week Bible Study/Home Church. Comes with a CD and DVD and suggested questions to consider. 

Also check out his web site:  Brian provides great video clips, powerpoint slides, cartoons and ideas for introducing and cultivating a culture of generosity for your corps.  They are free to use so this is a must to have a look at and use.

These books and audio along with video is available through apps for both iphone and android.  They are free.  

Also here they are in a PDF format.




“The Scriptural Principles of Giving” are presented on DVD by Major Dr Alan Harley.

They also come with a devotional book and suggested Bible Study questions. This is solid Biblical teaching in 6 x 10 minute sessions .  (These studies can be downloaded from our Bible Studies tab)


Gordon McDonald has a series which goes for 4 weeks entitled “Generosity: moving toward a life that is truly life”.






Features I'M GENEROUS 4 day reacding plan from Life Church including readings and videos to watch.



A Generous Spirit part 1.doc  The Example of god Himself 
A Generous Spirit part 2.doc  The Example and Teaching Of Jesus
A Generous Spirit part 3.doc  The Example of the Early Church
A Generous Spirit part 4.doc  What is Our Response?

This study comes from "The Purple Book" by Rice Broocks & Steve Murrell.
It is recommended to purchase this study book to get an overall Discipleship study.


Dr Major Alan Harley has provided us with some excellent teaching which is very valuable to any individual or corps. These are highly recommended.'

Please note that these DVD's are now on this web site and can be accessed through the VIDEO tab under RESOURCES

Alan Harley Study 1.doc  Alan Harley Leaders notes 1.doc  Building Blocks Of Giving  (DVD)
Alan Harley Study 2.doc  Alan Harley Leaders notes 2.doc  Aiming for Excellence  (DVD)
Alan Harley Study 3.doc  Alan Harley Leaders notes 3.doc  Seeing the Big Picture  (DVD)
Alan Harley Study 4.doc  Alan Harley Leaders notes 4.doc  The Sacrament of Stewardship  (DVD)
Alan Harley Study 5.doc  Alan Harley Leaders notes 5.doc  Giving and Holy Living  (DVD)
Alan Harley Study 6.doc  Alan Harley Leaders notes 6.doc  The Fragrance of Stewardship  (DVD)

These are three studies written by Barbara Willson where she looks at:
  • Study 1 - Two Cents Worth (Widows mite)
  • Study 2 - Divine Fragrance (The Woman Annointing Jesus)
  • Study 3 - What's for Lunch (The Loaves and the Fishes)
Barbara Wilson Study 1.doc  Barbara Wilson Study 1 - Leader.doc  Two Cents Worth
Barbara Wilson Study 2.doc  Barbara Wilson Study 2 - Leader.doc  Divine Fragrance
Barbara Wilson Study 3.doc  Barbara Wilson Study 3 - Leader.doc  What's for Lunch?

MacDonald, Gordon: "Generosity - Moving Toward Life That Is Truly Life"

A 4 week devotional. Available from your Generous Life Team. Highly recommended. Cost $10 per book.


STEWARDSHIP.docx Dont_be_a_slave_to_debt.docx



How We Should Give.doc  How We Should Give
Why We Should Give.doc  Why We Should Give
Creating Possibilities Study 1.doc  Creating Possibilities   Part 1 
Creating Possibilities Study 2.doc  Creating Possibilities   Part 2
Every Day with Jesus .doc  Every Day With Jesus
Study No.1.doc  No1   Christian Giving
Study No.2.doc  No2   A Reflexion of Our Gratitude
Study No.3.doc  No3   God Loves A Cheerful Giver
RICH.doc  Bob Bell   Nooma Rich   (DVD)
Robert Paterson Study 1.doc  Robert Paterson Study 1 - Leader.doc  The Widow's Offering
Robert Paterson Study 2.doc  Robert Paterson Study 2 - Leader.doc  The Anointing at Bethany
Robert Paterson Study 3.doc  Robert Paterson Study 3 - Leader.doc  The Country Festival
TENS 8 part Study.doc  TENS 8 Part Study
Youth Bible Study.doc  Planned Giving Youth Bible Study   (DVD)


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