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CHRISTMAS: Whose birthday is it?

3 November 2014

CHRISTMAS: Whose birthday is it?

As we approach Christmas I'm reminded of a story told by Brian Kluth which is something any of us could do...


One year when Christmas was approaching, my children kept telling me all the gifts they wanted.  I spontaneously asked them one day, "Whose birthday are we celebrating?"  They replied, "Jesus".  I asked, "Well, who should get the biggest presents?"  They said, "Jesus, be he's not here!"  This got me thinking, and when the time came to open our Christmas presents, my wife and I gave each of our children (and ourselves) an envelope with a large amount of cash inside.  Also in each envelope was a list we had prayerfully put together with the names of widows, ministers, missionaries, ministries and needy families whom my children knew.  We then explained to our children that when we help the least, the lost, the lonely and God's leaders, it is like giving Christmas presents to Jesus.  Each of us then had to decide who we wanted to give to and how much we were going to give.  Everyone then shared their giving decisions with the family.  Afterwards, we opened our presents which were worth only a fraction of the money we had just given away.  This tradition continues and every Christmas Jesus gets the biggest presents!   ( Generosity Stories)


What are your thoughts about the idea of giving Jesus the "biggest presents" at Christmas?

How could this practice positively impact your family?


Please have a think about whether you could do this or something else to show your family and friends who is really deserving of our gifts at Christmas.  If you have any great ideas, please share them with us.


God bless you over the coming Christmas period.


Major Christine Dickson

Generous Life Coordinator


  1. Thank you for this reminder, but I came to FB as I was working on a school assembly and my thoughts had dried up, You have just re-ignited my thought process. New Title for Assembly - Who's birthday is it anyway?

  2. Christine Dickson
    Christine Dickson

    @Lt. Kay Blues: Thank you for this. I note it was last year you posted this, and there are elements of this I'm still getting my head around. But your comments are very encouraging. Blessings to you. Christine. (Generous Life)

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