Finding my SHAPE

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Finding My SHAPE

Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual gifts are special attributes given by the Holy Spirit to every Christian, which empowers them to serve the body of Christ, the church. There are multiple passages in the bible that talk about spiritual gifts and as a result you may often hear a variety of different definitions and lists of gifts. We will be looking at spiritual gifts in week 2 of our Generosity series and would encourage you to take a spiritual gifts test to explore what your gifts may be. There are many tests around, some looking at specific groups of gifts, however the two below are more general and are a good place to start:

In week 2 of our series, Donna spoke about spiritual gifts, including giving a definition and relevant scripture passages for each gift.  A copy of her presentation can be viewed here , or rewatch the service here.

Personality tests
In weeks 3 and 4 of our Generosity series, we will continue to look at how God has shaped us for ministry. There are a number of personality tests which are beneficial in helping not only understand ourselves, but how we relate to others.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator shows preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The 16 Personalities test helps you discover your Myers-Briggs Type.

Once you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, you may find this discipleship guide for the 16 personality types useful.

The Enneagram describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. It describes nine personality types and maps them to show how they relate to one another. Your Enneagram Coach provides a free Enneagram assessment, or for those with smart phones, the EnneaApp provides an assessment as well as other useful tools for understanding how your type relates to others.

Looking for a ministry?
Whether you are looking for your first ministry or a new one, this LIST will have something for you.  It lists all the current ministries at NBC, however we are always open to ideas for new ministries too!