Similar to Scouts and Guides, SAGALA provides teaching in life skills (such as cooking and first aid), hobbies (such as craft and art), personal development (in areas like health and safety), community involvement (including conservation) and the program includes Christian teaching in a fun and interactive program. Members can be involved in camping, hiking and other outdoor activities.
Members wear uniforms, earn badges, and each age-group has a prayer, law, pledge and motto.
SAGALA is held every Tuesday night from 6.00pm to 7.30pm except school holidays.
SAGALA is open to all young people aged 5-17 years regardless of race, gender, social standing, economic background or faith. Members pass simple enrolment tasks that include attendance, memorisation and some practical work.
In a safe Christian environment of love, fun and instruction SAGALA aims to provide young people with the skills and abilities to:
By God's help I promise to:
Ages: 5-6
I will always have fun,
do my best
and help my family and friends
Help us to do the things we should,
To be to others kind and good
In all we do at work and play,
To grow more like Jesus every day. Amen
Ages: 7-10
Adventurer/Sunbeam Law
Thank you God because You love and care for me. I'm sorry when I make you sad. Please help me to love and care for others and show me how to be more like Jesus. Amen.
Ages: 11-17
I praise you, Mighty God, for Your wonderful world and the love You show me. Please forgive me when I do wrong and help me to forgive those who hurt me. Give me Your strength to stand for what is right, and teach me to be fair and honest in all I do. Help me to serve others and show me how to be more like Jesus. Amen.