Burwood Corps
Burwood Corps
Type: Churches/Corps
Website: www.salvationarmy.org.au/burwood/about-us/contact-us/
Contact: Ph (02) 97471014
Our Activities
Youth Bible Study
Sunday 11:15am-12:15pm
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityThe bible study for young adult is held to support reading the bible, held on weekly basis.
Ying Xi Seniors Fellowship - Cantonese
Sunday 10am-10:40am
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityAn activity to bring the seniors of the church together in fellowship and bible study on a weekly basis.
Worship (Cantonese/Mandarin)
Sunday 10.45am
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityThis Sunday morning worship service is held in Cantonese and Mandarin for people to come together as a community of faith, to pray, sing, read the bible and hear inspiring teaching.
Teen's Bible Study
Sunday 10:30am-12:15pm
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityThe bible study for teens is held to support reading the bible, held on weekly basis.
Seniors Community Group - Cantonese
Wednesday 10-12pm
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityAn activity to bring the seniors of the community together in fellowship on a weekly basis.
Senior Bible Study (Mandarin)
Sunday 10:00am-10:40am
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityThe bible study is held to support reading the bible, held on weekly basis.
New Believer Nurturing Lesson
Wednesday 10:30-12:00
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityThe training is to assist the new believers to establish a solid relationship with God and launching them on their lifelong process of becoming more like Jesus and finding their unique role in the mission He gave us.
Kids Sunday School
Sunday 10:30am-12:00am
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityThe activity is held weekly to assist young kids to know God and learn what the Bible has for them
Home League
Friday 10:00am-12:30pm
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityThis activities for women of all ages to come together to pray and enjoy fellowship in and outside the corps. The meeting is held monthly
English Conversation Class
Sunday 9:45am-10:30am
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityConversation class is to provide students with instruction in and practice speaking and understanding conversational English in a small-group setting with classmates who are at approximately the same level of English proficiency.
Discipleship - Level 2
Sunday 11:30-12:30
Corps (Church) / Centre facility -
Community English Class
Thursday 10:30am-12:30pm
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityThe community English class for all ages and all nations. It is held to support people in reading, speaking, understanding English, held on weekly basis.
Church Prayer Meeting - Sunday
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityThis prayer meeting in Cantonese, Mandarin, English are held on Sunday monthly.
12:15am -12:45pm
Church Fellowship
Saturday pm
Corps (Church) / Centre facilityFellowship for the church people which is held in Mandarin and Cantonese and English once in two month.