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Give the gift of Hope

We care deeply about our community and are here for you when you need us.

Through our life-changing social programs addressing the issues of homelessness, financial hardship, family and domestic violence, alcohol or other drug addiction, youth disengagement, or disaster - Salvos support community members during the tough times.

If you can, please donate to Camberwell Salvos to help us continue our work alongside people in need.  Simply scan the QR code below, or click the code to be directed to our fundraising page.

Camberwell Salvos - Community Salvos Fundraising

Church members who would like to make a non-tax-deductible donation online can deposit directly into the following account:

Direct deposit

Account Name: Salvation Army Central Processing

BSB: 033-000

Account Number: 803234

Description: 506213 - Donation <insert name>

After making your non-tax-deductible donation, please forward a remittance or email to with details of the donation.

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, please scan the QR code shown above to register online.

Thank you for your generosity.