Church Bonfire

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Events / 2016 / 08 / 28

Church Bonfire

28 August 2016 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Location: 46 Reservoir Rd Glendale

This week at Northlakes, in addition to our Double Service Sunday, we have something special happening after the night gathering - A Church Bonfire! 
Yep, straight after the 6PM service we will be migrating over to the church house for a big church bonfire. The weather is forecast to be clear, the fire will be hot and the coffee cart will be operating to raise funds for Homework Club.
So rug up, bring your chair or blankets, some marshmallows and any snacks you want while we enjoy a night together under the stars.
Feel free to invite your friends too 7PM’ish - 9PM 
This is a drug and alcohol free event.


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