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News / 2017 / 03 / 01

Can you go to church if you are not a christian

1 March 2017

Can you go to church if you are not a christian

To answer to this question, it’s worthwhile asking another question first: what is church? Church is more than a building. Church is wherever people gather to worship God and interact with each other—and that can be in a house, on the beach, in a park…

So, can I go to a church service if I’m not a Christian? Most certainly. Church services exist not only for people to worship God but to provide a place where people can discover more about his teaching.

Jesus made a strong point of teaching that he came for all people. He came to seek out those who needed to find him and have their sins forgiven. Jesus challenged people by saying that it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. Jesus opened the door for everyone to come to faith

In the Bible, you will read that Jesus mixed with all kinds of people—the religious and non-religious; the most powerful in society and those without a ‘voice’. He sought out all kinds of people because he cared for them as much as those who did believe in him.

If you are thinking of attending a Christian church it’s a good idea to visit a few different ones (including The Salvation Army) until you find a place where you feel encouraged to connect with God.

Don’t just visit one and assume all Christian churches worship in the same manner. There are many different church cultures these days and they are worth checking out.


  1. I’m new immigrant here in the USA. Not so good at English, but like togo to church and listen to them . Is it possible? Do anybody help me to understand?

  2. Yes, there will be someone to help you.
    Hope you go to the right church, most of the people in them are nice . I don’t know do you know my God, yet. But I know for sure that He will help you .Call on Him and He will answer you. His name is Jesus ! Please try Him.
    With Love

  3. Hello I’m looking for a church, actually a house of worship for god. I’ was born to 2 Jewish parents who didn’t practice any religion. I don’t believe in Jesus or whom every Jewish people’ believe in.’ Abraham, think. I really do believe in god and am looking for a church who wants to serve the lord. To me is just the lord God. If this is your congregation this is what I’d love to be be a part of. I’d be honored. My number is (954) 668-5267. My name is Amie Donofrio from Sunrise. I’ve lived in FL for 10 years. Born and in NY. . Pls call if this is even possible. Thank you in advance and god bless. 🙏🏽❤️

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