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Case Study 5

Families Unit Case Study Snapshot

Erica was proactively located via AOF assertive outreach whilst living in a local Rooming House. Erica had not secured stable long-term accommodation since the age of 14. Due to previous DHS involvement, Anglicare were case managing Erica and her involvement with her children.

Erica had experienced a pattern of housing breakdown and had a significant history of eviction due to a history of eviction which was caused by Erica’s substance dependency issues.

Domestic Violence also played a significant role in the breakdown of Erica’s housing. Abusive ex-partners were often involved in property damage and Erica’s substance abuse behaviours. The AOF Program, in consultation with Erica, determined that the most appropriate outcome for the family was Public Housing. The decision was made to move the family into Transitional Housing, preparing them for a Public Housing Tenancy.The AOF Program coordinated all the support services involved with Erica’s case, resulting in a feeling of order and addressing the overwhelming chaos she reported feeling prior to AOF involvement. Erica returned to study and she enrolled in University and completed her chosen course, promoting her feeling of achievement and self-esteem.

Over a period of 12-months, Erica developed the skills to act more independently, advocate for herself and make informed, positive decisions. In closing the AOF program involvement, Erica was referred to the SASHS SHASP Program which assisted her in establishing her Public Housing tenancy.
