For more information call 07 4417 4600 or email us at
Main address is 49 - 61 Beck Dr, Townsville, but until the end of the year some programs will continue to be run from 13 Madden St, Aitkenvale.
Sunday 10am
Beck Dr
A vibrant worship experience for the whole family, celebrating God through Scripture, music, and Bible-based teaching.
Morning tea 11:30am
Friday 9:30am
Beck Dr
Meet with others from our local community to develop new friendships and explore faith together.
Thursday 5pm – 7pm
Beck Dr
Dinner and café style church. Everyone welcome.
Monday, Tuesday 9.30am-12pm
Beck Dr
Thursday 5:30pm - 7:15pm
Madden St
SAGALA is a Christian-based life skills program similar to Scouts and Guides. Children aged 5-16 learn basic first aid, outdoor skills, home skills and are involved in active service to the community.
Sunday 5pm
Beck Dr
Tuesday 10am-12pm
Beck Dr
Fun activities for pre-schoolers and the opportunity to meet other local parents as well.
Saturday 3rd Week in month
Beck Dr
Thursday 5pm
Beck Dr
Share good food and great company at our regular community meals.
Wednesday, Thursday 10am - 12pm
Madden St
Monday, Tuesday 9.30am-12pm
Beck Dr
Enjoy a coffee and a bite to eat.
Wednesday 10am
Madden St
Saturday 2nd Week in month
Madden St