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What children want!

What 5-6 year olds want :-

  • Ask me to draw you a picture of how I am feeling when I do not know how to tell you.
  • Put a family calendar up so I can know what to expect
  • During dinner or right before bed, ask me to tell you the best part and the worst part of my day.
  • Read to me and read with me before bed each night.
  • Put my memory verse on the mirror, and tell me to read it to myself 5 times as I brush my teeth.

What 7-9 year olds want:-

  • Get a journal for me and encourage me to write or draw out my feelings.
  • During dinner, or right before bed, ask me to tell you the best part and the world part of my day.
  • Have a night that we all cook as a family.
  • Read with me or read to me.  Then, ask me to write a different ending for the story.
  • Create a "question box" for the family.  At dinner, we can read the questions together and talk about them.
  • As a family, we can act out a story together.  This helps me to understand the story better.
  • Post prayers of thanks all over the house for the things God has made and given to us.

What 10-11 year olds want:-

  • Get a journal for me and encourage me to write out my feelings
  • Go running with me or play a family game of basketball with me.
  • Look for opportunities for me to serve others along side of you.  eg.  we can go on the morning tea roster at church together, or visit an old person, or go on a mission trip.
  • As we watch TV, dialogue with me about the choices that were made by TV characters.  Help me see the connection between these choices and their consequences.