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Pentecost - A time to celebrate

21 May 2012
Pentecost - A time to celebrate

These suggestions for Pentecost come from David Goodwin at Kidsreach.


PENTECOST – a time to celebrate
Next Sunday (27 May) is a day to celebrate because it is the day we celebrate the ‘birthday’ of the church, the day the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost.  Why shouldn’t we celebrate it and there is no place better to celebrate it than in kids’ ministry!  Here are a few ideas:

  • Happy Birthday decorations, balloons, etc. (Use red balloons, red streamers, etc.)  Red represents the flames of fire that appeared at the out pouring of the Holy Spirit.
  • Craft:  Simple headband with ‘cut out’ flame shapes.
  • Birthday cake.
  • Cup-cakes with red icing and one sparkler in each or birthday candles.
  • Tell the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit and the start of the church.
  • Visit for a good simple craft, kids sermon and lots of other activities for the Day of Pentecost.

OBJECT LESSON: The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Object Lesson (you will need corn kernels ready for popping like you buy in the supermarket) and a microwave or popcorn maker).  The corn represents the disciples – small and frightened and unsure of themselves.  They were in the upper room (place them in the microwave) then something powerful was added.  The mighty power of the Holy Spirit (turn on the power) and they were transformed.  We cannot see the Holy Spirit any more than we can see the power in a microwave but we can certainly see and feel the change that the Holy Spirit makes. 

As the corn pops talk about the explosion of energy that came with the Holy Spirit – and the expansion that went way beyond the confines of that one room.  The disciples were no longer hard and small and frightened.   They went everywhere spreading the wonderful Gospel.

To finish, hand around the popcorn and share Psalm 34:8 and Acts 2.