
The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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The Salvo's - A brief overview

The Salvation Army is one of the world's largest Christian social welfare organisations with more than 1,650,000 members working in over 124 countries.

We have been in Australia for over 130 years. Currently we have more than 8,500 active officers and staff delivering in excess of 1000 specifically designed social programs across Australia.

Foundations and early beginnings


Many of you may already feel and  think of the Army as your “Church home," your Army: the place of fellowship and comradeship through which God has chosen you to serve Him.

A knowledge of the Army’s history will be of interest and value to you.

More than that however, you will discover the motivation behind the early day Army. The Challenge for us today is to recapture the fire and the spirit of the early Salvationists. Our challenge is to discover what ‘drove’ them and apply that to our mission today.


To continue reading about the history of the Salvation Army, please click the link below:

The Salvation Army... Yesterday