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Case Study 2

SHASP Case Study Snapshot

Fifty year old Dennis was referred by the Office of Housing (OoH) who had concerns about the condition of his property and about his mental and physical health. Dennis was living in such squalor that SHASP organised an industrial clean with funds from Support for High Risk Tenancies (SfHRT). A skip was provided to throw out furniture and bedding. SHASP supplied Dennis with a mattress; new bedding; cleaning products and a lawnmower which our in-house removalist helped us deliver. SHASP then negotiated with the OoH for Dennis’ carpet to be removed and the laying of some linoleum. Home Help were engaged to do a fortnightly clean of Dennis’ house and the OoH supplied a new stove. IA&P assisted SHASP with food parcels for Dennis. SHASP reported the many maintenance issues evident, and monitored that they were addressed.

SHASP called a Case Meeting to determine Dennis’ ability to live independently. In attendance were workers from Norwood, State Trustees, SfHRT, OoH, SHASP and Dennis’s mother. All recommendations from the Case Meeting have been carried out and Dennis is now living in a clean house that he is managing to maintain with support. Dennis is now on half his previous medication and is beginning to participate in social activities. He is motivated and his personal hygiene is much improved.
